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"Why to develop the new video conferencing systems on software-based codec?"

The Value Of Software-Based Video Codecs

The Value Of Software-Based Video Codecs

White Paper: Clear One

Software-based video codecs, for a variety of reasons, offers developers and users the flexibility needed to upgrade information and technology as it is needed, thereby eliminating expensive hardware. The advent of software-based codecs, compared to hardware-based codecs, offers value in many ways.

This whitepaper provides insights that will help you to understand the value of software-based codecs as part of today’s collaborative tools.

Key takeaways from this whitepaper:

  • Why to develop the new video conferencing systems on software-based codec?

  • How to meet the customer needs?

  • The Value of Software-Based Video Codecs versus Hardware-Based Video Codecs

  • Increased processing capability of general-purpose processors & standard operating systems,

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