White Paper: Elcom
As intranets grow in strength and scope, overarching intranet strategy should increasingly be aligned with business objectives.
Are your intranet objectives aligned with your business goals or do they need adjusting?
This whitepaper helps you consider what is important for your organization and how to plan your approach to demonstrate how your intranet is performing and target areas for improving based on data and supporting evidence.
Ways to enhance your intranet
Steps to follow for your intranet health check
How an intranet can have direct positive impact on the bottom line
How many new ideas or innovative suggestion come via the intranet?
7 key areas to consider to help you realign your intranet objectives
By: Elcom
The intranet has been at the heart of businesses for many years and initially, the intranet was simply a way to connect all components within a business unit, company, or organization to one another. This whitepaper discusses the benefits that the intranet offers to modern businesses, highlighting the common problems that can be solved, the latest developments in the field, along with suggested implementation best practices. Key considerations for ensuring intranet success: Focusing on appropriate goals when designing the intranet Explaining the value when developing an intranet Understanding the investment required Along the way this whitepaper reviews what an intranet actually is and how it fits into today’s modern workplace, and later with an analysis of intranet trends to guide you in future proofing your intranet investment.
By: Elcom
Choosing the right intranet solution is a critical decision. There is a great deal of choice in the intranet market, with a range of strong solutions incorporating multiple features and attractive designs as new offerings are emerging all the time. Every business has different needs and priorities and an intranet solution that is right for one company might not be right for another. This whitepaper is designed to help you choose the right intranet solution and vendor. It helps in: Delivering a structured approach to decision-making Proposing key questions to consider and offers some tips and tricks Finding an intranet that truly makes a difference! Having a framework to compare intranet solutions will help you make the right decision