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How financial institutions secure identity while leveraging mobility and the cloud

"How financial institutions secure identity while leveraging mobility and the cloud"

Secure identity and data in a hyper-connected world

White Paper: i-Sprint Innovations

In the digital era, financial institutions need to meet and exceed the expectations of a new generation tech savvy users with digital broadband access to on-demand cloud-based services via a wide range of mobile devices.

In order to earn customers’ trust and confidence in their digital channels, financial institutions will have to secure identity and manage cross-channel access while leveraging mobility and the cloud.

This whitepaper provides insights on how financial institutions can secure identity and data in a hyper-connected world where the data center perimeter has blurred and the enterprise attack surface has radically expanded with increased cloud adoption and mobility.

Case studies illustrating how financial institutions are implementing prudent steps to engage customers across multiple channels

Ultimate aim of the omni-channel initiatives

Emerging methods of authentication

How to boost security and compliance while ensuring differentiated customer experience in omni-channel service delivery

Secure identity and data in a hyper-connected world
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