White Paper: CTSI-Global
The outsourcing of freight bill audit and payment is an important financial step for an outsourcing firm and should be treated as such. While most of the firms are financially sound, well-managed businesses, the general business climate dictates the importance of thorough financial due diligence in selecting a provider.
This informative white paper highlights a number of steps that can be taken to ensure a successful relationship, protecting and minimizing the financial risk to the outsourcer. Some of it includes:
Investigate the reputation of the freight bill auditing and payment firm used by the provider.
Make sure that statements and other documents are examined by qualified financial personnel.
Investigate the reputation of the FBAP firm’s senior management.
Ensure that the Freight Bill Auditing and Payment firm’s financial controls are tested at least annually by an independent auditor.
Download this whitepaper to know more about:
Why and how to outsource freight bill audit and payment services?
What are the significant advantages to outsourcing freight bill audit and payment?
Why freight bill audit and payment firm should not be too reliant on one or two clients?
What are the major reasons for outsourcing failures in freight bill audit and payment?
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