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Automating The Electronic Invoice Management Process

"Automating The Electronic Invoice Management Process"

E-Invoicing Management: Move to the Middle

E-Invoicing Management: Move to the Middle

White Paper: Direct Commerce

As the electronic invoicing market becomes more saturated in large companies, the small and medium enterprise (SME) market, those with annual revenues under $250 million, continue to open up. Over the past year, PayStream analysts witnessed an increase in electronic invoice (eInvoice) adoption among SME’s, as well as an increase in workflow automation. New and improved innovations in eInvoice functionality including Software-as- a-Service (SaaS), free supplier portals, dynamic discounting and mobile transactional capabilities are the driving forces behind the increase in adoption in the middle market. More SMEs are now reaping the benefits that the large early adopters did, including reduced processing costs, increased invoice approval cycle times, improved cash management, and increased visibility, to name a few. In addition to more companies or (buyers) implementing eInvoicing, PayStream survey results reveal that eInvoice adoption has been of keen interest among suppliers. The number of suppliers that no longer submit paper invoices and have converted to eInvoicing has increased dramatically. Today more suppliers send more invoices to companies in electronic format that do not require data entry, resulting in a more efficient and cost saving invoice process. Solution providers are now catering to suppliers with aggressive supplier on-boarding programs and easy to use supplier portals. More eInvoicing providers are offering their services to suppliers at no-cost, in an effort to build their supplier networks and keep buyers and suppliers connected across the globe.

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