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"Best practices to Succeed in Facilities Management in 2020"

What You Need to Know to Succeed in Facilities Management in 2020

White Paper: ServiceChannel

Within the next few years, there will be real opportunities to “get a seat at the table” and demonstrate how the facility management function can deliver shareholder value. But to do this will require a forward thinking approach, collaboration with both internal peers and external partners, and most importantly, creative and unique ideas on how to tie repair and maintenance (R&M) operations into an organization’s broader-based strategy.

So, what is the facility manager of the future planning for and learning about today to position his/her career and company - for the highest likelihood of success? 

This whitepaper highlights the 13 specific best practices, trends and new technologies you should know about now to get yourself ahead of the curve and prepared for 2020. It includes:

  • Eco-Friendly FM Practices

  • Optimizing Supply Management

  • Mobility Brings FM Everywhere, to Everyone

  • Commanding the Facilities Ship

What You Need to Know to Succeed in Facilities Management in 2020
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