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"How brands can use customer insight to inspire true loyalty"

Aimia's Loyalty Lens 2016 global survey

White Paper: AIMIA

Customers have gradually high expectations of the brands with which they share their data. Today the way companies collect and use data, and the way their customers share it, is changing. For years companies have been striving to create customer loyalty programs that stick.

Companies must move away from just collecting customer data, to using it in a way that provides more value or a better experience for their customers. Why companies want certain types of customer data and what the benefits for the customer will be?

This whitepaper provides insights on helping the clients deliver customer experiences that stand out and encourage brand loyalty.

This white paper on “customer insight to inspire true loyalty’’highlights:

Five global insights into customer loyalty

The value of data is rising

Customers expect more for sharing their data

Four types of customer data and how to value them

Five actions marketers need to take now

Aimia's Loyalty Lens 2016 global survey
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