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"Why CFOs Should Change their Budgeting & Forecasting Process?"

7 Reasons Why CFOs Should Change their Budgeting & Forecasting Process

White Paper: Jedox

From the use of obsolete data, wasting crucial time and much-needed capital to shedding your reliance on your IT department, there are several reasons why you must consider bringing in a change in your budgeting and forecasting process.

Maybe now is the time to stop relying on IT to fabricate financial planning and forecasting reports for you and being stalled by them for months, or it is the time to replace the antiquated business intelligence tools by a better self-service tool that propels your budgeting and forecasting approach and doesn’t hold your company back anymore.

This white paper was written for financial managers needing a better self-service tool for budgeting, planning and forecasting and those needing a spark to change current practices that are holding your company back. It imparts the useful information about how this modern financial planning software solution with advanced planning functionality has accelerated many renowned companies’ forecasting process, and the data consolidation and data preparation, availed by this budgeting tool, for them has definitely strengthened their revenue, margin and expenses model.

7 Reasons Why CFOs Should Change their Budgeting & Forecasting Process
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