White Paper: Altivon
It is quite probable, of course, that the phones will not stop ringing altogether. But the contact center that is prepared for such an eventuality will be better positioned to be responsive to customers no matter how they choose to reach out. And after all, aren’t customer satisfaction and retention the mission of the contact center?
This whitepaper on “What Will You Do When the Phones Stop Ringing?,” highlights:
The Customer Takes Control-Contact centers to focus less on service efficiency (costs) and more on delivering a positive customer experience
The Role of Social Media-Social networks and blogs are now the fourth most popular online activity
Addressing Non-Voice Media-Contact centers are finding that the fundamentals are the same regardless of media.
Right Choice for Your Business-Discover the media preferences and service level expectations
By: SAPinsider
Nearly every company is now reacting with a growing demand to create an enterprise mobility strategy that equips both employees and customers with easy access to key back-end information. At the same time, companies must ensure that any mobile app they roll out will integrate seamlessly with multiple back-end sources to deliver real-time access to order information, shipment notifications, reported errors, pending action items, and more.
By: Virtual PBX
When custom voice system designers and engineers build a UC platform from the ground up, they need to rely on collaboration with their customers to get it right. Without a rigorous investigation on the exact needs of a business no result can truly be called custom. When it comes to building a custom voice solution that works to satisfy all of the criteria and in the way that any particular industry needs, it’ s important to find a company that uses a collaborative approach to doing so. This whitepaper provides insights on how custom Voice Solutions are customized in both the way the function and the support a business needs to make the most of them, no matter to what extend that may be. It discusses: Criteria to consider when shopping for the right UC solution One Size Does Not Always Fit All Where to Find Custom Voice Solutions Putting the Custom into Voice Solutions