White Paper: EmpowerMX
New business practices and modern Continuing Analysis and Surveillance System (CASS)-based reliability programs and policies are needed to provide the means for operators to make significant and justified adjustments to scheduled maintenance task or check intervals.
The airlines need to apply best business practices and a modern CASS-based reliability program to dynamically adjust their scheduled maintenance requirements in a professional, safe and realistic manner.
Read this whitepaper on “Arbitrary Escalation Caps (AES),” that addresses the key questions including:
What are the characteristics of an effective CASS based reliability program?
What are the reasons that they may highlight a problem with air carrier CASS based reliability programs?
What are the program elements and expected benefits associated with the CASS based reliability program?
By: Affirma Consulting
Business Intelligence derived Information and analysis can lead to a tremendous return on investment (ROI) if implemented correctly. You can improve the decision making processes at all levels of management and improve your tactical and strategic management processes with it. Do you have quick access to actionable data? Would you like to increase collaboration and unlock insights from your business systems? If yes! Read this whitepaper that addresses the following questions: What is Business Intelligence and why do organizations need it? Is it the right time to implement Business Intelligence for your organization? How to select the correct Business Intelligence solution for your business needs?
By: Asure Software
Trends in workplace utilization are an evolution of what has been happening in the workplace over the last decade. Managing and allocating shared workspace is a constant challenge for both public and private organizations. This challenge exists due to organizations having to meet functional space demands using limited resources. This informative whitepaper brings you the latest trends in the workplace environment, workplace utilization and the challenges in managing shared workspace. It mainly focuses on: What the reasons for implementing shared workspace programmes and the issues in managing shared workspace are. How the workspace must be utilized and how cost with shared workspace can be reduced. What the critical success factors that should be considered by any workspace management program are. Download this whitepaper, Trends in Workplace Utilisation, to learn the results of this global survey of workplace managers.